Friday's Fortune
Eventually, I would like to have contests and give-aways every Friday. However, I don't know how to do that yet - I am but a novice blogger who knows, well...hardly anything. I thought I would start my very first Friday blogging about being fortunate and the gratitude I have for this fortune. I don't possess a huge monetary fortune; we live a fairly middle-class lifestyle and are happy about it. My husband and I have family that support us with positive reinforcement and love, we have a house that provides shelter and warmth, we have friends who are kind and giving, we have two teenagers that have not been too hard on us as of yet, we enjoy good health and today, the sun is shining. What more could we ask for? Not a thing.
I try and remember these things when I'm wondering where we are going to get the money for hockey registration or for two new tires that we weren't planning on getting and things like that, because overall things are pretty good all over.
One of the reasons that I would like to turn "Friday's Fortune" into a contest and give-away day is that I received a great, unexpected email from with a special offer because I use a lot of buttons in crafts - I was so excited that I knew I wanted to pass that feeling along. I don't think there's anyone that doesn't like free anything so that's my plan for Fridays in the near future.
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